Rumpelstiltskin: Themes

The miller wants to impress the king, and appear more powerful in the king's eyes so he boasts about having a daughter who can spin straw into gold
The king demonstrates ultimate power over Lisa when he threatens to kill her if she fails to spin all the straw in the rooms into gold and promises her that he will marry her if she succeeds.
The king's greed is evident when he keeps Lisa in the castle for three nights under threat of death just for gold. Rumpelstiltskin who comes to the girl's aid each night and spins the straw into gold is also filled with greed as he takes no pity on the girl, but asks each time what she will give him if he helps her. He takes the only two possessions she owns, her necklace and her ring. When she has nothing more of value to give him, he makes her promise to give him her first born child.
Lisa’s father boasts about his daughter’s cleverness that she could bake the best pies in the world and turn straw into gold.
In order to get noticed by the King, the Miller lies to the King about his daughter who could turn straw into gold. Even when the King asks the Miller to bring his daughter to his castle, the Miller abides to the King's request, despite Lisa not knowing how to turn the straws into gold.